Friday, September 29, 2006

okular lightning talk

Today Pino and me did a lighting talk in aKademy 2006 about okular. It was quite good accepted. Assistants liked all the cool new features okular has like REAL text selection, page rotation, overview mode, LOTS of document format support and annotation support. In short, okular rocks :-) As everything it could rock even more so do not hesitate to join us on #kpdf freenode channel and help us building the coolest document viewer out there.


  1. Since Okular is replacing KPDF, is DRM optional in Okular, as it is in KPDF?

  2. I also hope that DRM will be still optional like in KPDF. This is very important feature!

  3. Hello,

    I was at the Okular talk today - very impressive.
    The annotation features could be especially useful.

    Have you consulted with kde's usability folks about Okular yet?

    For my personal needs, as a student who needs a PDF viewer for reading assignments and articles related to my course, the default Okular setup had too much on screen besides the display. I'm not sure how to solve this though.

  4. We have a resident kpdf/okular usability expert in the figure of Florian Graessle and we actively try to work with him to overcome all the possible unusabilities we have.
