Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Kiriki moved to kdereview

On last kdegames irc meeting, it was decided that Kiriki, the Yahtzee! clone for KDE 4 i've began writing on Málaga's aKademy, was worth enough to be on KDEgames 4.0 release. Today i moved it to the kdereview module for the mandatory two weeks review period. If nothing goes wrong it'll hit kdegames around April 18th or so. Do not hesitate to try it and comment, just don't mention networking :D It's planned but i'll wait for KDE 4.1, try to hook it up on GGZ and convince gtali developers (if any) to do the same :-)

On other news, yesterday i went to RENFE station to pick up the tickets i had bought via internet and they have NO special queue for that kind of people, so i still had to wait the 120! turns of people that was before me to pick the tickets, wonder what advantage gives me buying the ticket over internet if i still have to do the same queue that if i bought the ticket on the station.


  1. I don't know about Barcelona's RENFE station (I have never bougth a ticket there, although I have reached Barcelona two times via train), but you would like to check whether there is an option to first pass the controls and, after that, picking the ticket.

    In Madrid's Atocha station there is a special queue after the controls to pick up the ticket and this queue is only for Internet's tickets.

    Anyway, RENFE is becoming so expensive lately...
