Sunday, April 13, 2008

fglrx blocking Xorg on logout

If you are running Kubuntu Hardy with the flgrx drivers and logging out does not work due to the Xorg process locking up at 100% of CPU usage, you should thank Stefan Carslöv for tracking down the issue to /etc/ati/ being unproperly configured, you need to change





  1. My problem is, that X doesn`t start with fglrx enabled in Hardy.

    the screen goes black on all screens. only a reboot fixes the problem. ;-)

  2. Thank you very much for your post!!

    I have had this problem for more than one week in my MacBookPro.... I needed to press ctrl-alt-supr to continue shutdown after exit KDE.

    Your suggestion works very well!

  3. This doesn't work for me (on Debian Lenny/amd64) with fglrx 8.3. Apparently it might if I had 3GB of RAM and not 4, but I'm reluctant to bother trying that possible solution. I've been wondering if running i386 would make a difference, but again, I'd rather use 64bit because RAM is cheap and my buying more of it for no good reason is likely.

  4. Thanks so much! I will try this out and see.

  5. Hardy on ASUS A6J with Ati Radeon x1600.
    This works for me. Have some other errors and warnings during shutdown, but this took care of the worst.

  6. Good :D I will probe it when I go back to home. :))

  7. Thanks a lot. It worked like a charm :)

  8. This is THE solution for me ! It works fine on a Thinkpad under Kubuntu 8.10.
    Thank you very much !

  9. Problem solved!!! Using Kubuntu 8.10, KDE 3.5.9 i386 on a Thinkpad. Great work!

  10. work for me:

    AMD64 hp pavillion zv6000
    ati radeon xpress 200M
    kde 4.1
    kubuntu hardy

    thanks a lot!!!!
