Sunday, August 03, 2008

KDE 4.1 adoption seems high

KDE 4.1.0 was released this very same week and already 17% of Konqueror users of the last month to my blog are using Konqueror 4.1, seems quite high to me


  1. So how many of the visiting konquerors are 4.1 and how many are older?

  2. That's exactly what i said, 17% of the visiting konquerors are 4.1, that is, 83% are older konquerors

  3. I guess anonymous wanted real numbers like 19462 visitors with konq 4.1 and 88660 visitors with older konqis ;)

  4. Not counting "visitors" viewing your site through Akregator's preview pane (like me), though that probably doesn't count as "visiting" the site really.

    I wonder if viewing it in another tab in Akregator shows me as using Konqueror 4.1...

  5. > I wonder if viewing it in another tab in Akregator shows me as using Konqueror 4.1...

    That depends on whether or not Akregator uses KHTML. I don't really use Akregator, but I'd think it used KHTML, which says Konqueror in the UA.

  6. KDE4 adoption between users that read KDE specific blogs may be hight but is not a representative statistic. Maybe for KDE developers and enthusiasts but not average users. It would be interesting having good metrics to get information on adoption level.
