Thursday, November 15, 2012

And this is why one needs cops

And then they drive like mad with their cars, and wonder what? They hit one of their own

Yes, I am aware that there are cops out there that do a good work, but sharing the work with these people should make them sad.


  1. no matter why, robocops just love to kick your brains out
    And they are even payed by your taxes too

    no respect to all those people who serve against the people

    A C A B

  2. And they wonder why there is agression against cops. Hitting young girls... seriously, what kind of people are this? They were not even agressive.

  3. Pero lo que necesita Cataluña para solucionar sus problemas es la independencia...
    Más unidad como hubo en las protestas del 15-M y menos nacionalismo...

  4. Oh, sorry for the non spanish; those cops are the autonomic catalan police, Els mossos d'esquadra, created to give a "closer service" to the catalan population...

  5. In Greece happens the same thing. For one reason the employees of this service behave like animals to the citizens

  6. @Anonymous#2: You are so right, the "national" cops are perfect gentlemen and don't hit people, oh wait, they do... Go with your nationalism FUD elsewhere.
