Sunday, January 26, 2020

git mr: easily downloading gitlab merge requests

With KDE [slowly] moving to gitlab you may probably find yourselves reviewing more gitlab based patches.

In my opinion the web UI in gitlab is miles better, the fact that it has a "merge this thing" button makes it a game changer.

Now since we are coming from phabricator you have probably used the arc patch DXXX command to download and locally test a patch.

The gitlab web UI has a a link named "You can merge this merge request manually using the command line" that if pressed tells you to

git fetch "" "patch-from-kde-bug-415012"
git checkout -b "sander/okular-patch-from-kde-bug-415012" FETCH_HEAD

if you want to locally test

That is *horrible*

Enter git mr a very simple script that makes it so that you only have to type

git mr 80

P.S: If you're an archlinux user you can get it from AUR

P.P.S: Unfortunately it does not support pushing, so if you want to push to that mr you'll have to do some work.


  1. On Ubuntu, it's part of git-extras

  2. > On Ubuntu, it's part of git-extras

    I've found it on Kubuntu, thank you, Boudewijn!
