Monday, August 15, 2022

Come to Barcelona for Akademy 2022!

Akademy is KDE's yearly community event, this year it happens between October 1st and October 7th in my city comarca [one of the reasons of why it's happening is that our Mr. President tricked me into helping organize it [*]]


You don't need to be a "KDE expert" to join, if you're remotely involved or interested in KDE you should really attend if you can (in person if possible, for me online really doesn't work for conferences), and not only the weekend of talks, but the whole week!

I still remember 2007 when our back-then-newbie Mr. President asked me "should I really go to Akademy? All the week? is it really worth it?" and i said "as many days as you can", and I guess we made a good enough impression to convince him to stay around and even want to do all the paper work that involves being in the KDE eV board :D

Anyhow, what i said, come to Akademy 2022! It's free, you'll learn a lot, meet nice people, will be both fun and productive.

And you should too! Register today!




[*] I should really work on my "no" skills, I'm still working on Okular because decades ago i said "how hard can it be" when someone asked to update KPDF to use a newer version of a dependency.