Today i got a mail from a person of a project i'm sort of collaborating about spreading a FLOSS survey a bit. I know you guys are a bit fed up with FLOSS surveys, but these people are serious, they already did a CVS
analsys of the KDE project and published it! not as most surveys you see around that finally don't publish much, so if you have five free minutes do not keep them free and take the survey!
Or don't. The survey is limited to a particular set of open source projects, and the freedesktop projects are notably absent. Kind of a pain even to figure that out, as the tiny little list box of projects isn't searchable.
Yeah, the number of open source projects they can investigate is not that big, or so they told me. I know some important freedesktop projects are missing, for example, poppler i also work on, is not on the list. Let's hope next time (i'm almost sure they will do more studies) they include a broader range of projects.
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