Available from
WARNING: This is a unstable release, it is actually 0.10 Beta 1 release, it should work like any release from the 0.8 branch, but do not blame us if it makes LHC destroy the world.
Differences with 0.8 branch:
* Initial JavaScript support
* Annotation improvements
* Improvements in the Arthur based renderer
* Improvements in the Cairo based renderer
* Added a JPEG2000 decoder based on OpenJPEG
* Small fixes in ActualText implementation
* Fix jpeg rendering when not using the libjpeg based decoder
* Movie fixes
* Do not get out of memory on documents that specify huge fonts
* Emulate Adobe Reader on documents with duplicate keys in Dictionaries
* Forms improvements
Qt4 frontend:
* Annotation improvements
* Forms improvements
* Add the possibility of extracting embedded fonts
* Initial Movie support
* Documentation improvements
* Small improvements in the PS exporter
glib frontend:
* Annotation improvements
* Attachment fixes
* updated man pages
* Added -listenc to pdfinfo and pdftotext
Testing, patches and bug reports welcome.
When oh when poppler will honour hinting fontconfig settings?
here's the bug: 87230
There's no bug 87230.
Sorry i was looking into Lauchpad. Thought that poppler was using it. Here it is:
No obviously we don't use launchpad, using a non free software tool to track the issues of free software is a very bad idea in my opinion.
And well http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10218 and http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9862 are so poorly described, specially 9862 that suggests a gconf setting :D that i've never cared much about them.
Also i like how fonts render, so it's not an itch to scratch for me.
As always:
* Patches accepted
* We'll eventually get to fix that if someone from the poppler team feels it's more important that other things we have to do/fix
Albert, sorry to bother you. I'm just a user, bear with me. I'm just highlighting a significant problem with poppler. Try to be helpful as a dev, as I'm trying to be helpful as a user. Or is user input on problems completely worthless?
User input is always welcome.
But that's all.
For you honoring fontconfig hinting is a critical poppler bug.
For me it's a very minor issue compared to crashes like the one i just fixed (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13972)
All i am saying is that it will eventually get fixed when i think it's prioritary enough or when someone else does it.
If you felt insulted by the "gconf setting" sentence, well, if you are a user, you should only describe the problems, not teach us developers how to fix them.
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