Thursday, November 15, 2012

And this is why one needs cops

And then they drive like mad with their cars, and wonder what? They hit one of their own

Yes, I am aware that there are cops out there that do a good work, but sharing the work with these people should make them sad.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Okular tiled rendering merged to master

Okular tiled rendering (more info) has been merged into master and is scheduled to be released with 4.10 KDE Applications release. There are a few open issues that Mailson and Fabio are working like crazy to get fixed for the upcoming Beta 1 release this thursday. It would be great if you can give it a try anyway and report any issue you might find.

Friday, November 02, 2012

KDE Spanish forum in

Since a few weeks you can find the KDE en Español sub-forum inside the always awesome KDE Community Forums. Go there if you have something to ask or share and you prefer communicating in Spanish.