Tuesday, December 15, 2020

AVIF support for KImageFormats just landed

Thanks to Daniel Novomeský we will have support for AVIF images in KImageFormats starting in the next release.

We have (and by we I mean him) also added the avif code to be fuzzed under oss-fuzz so we'll be helping the upstream libavif/libaom to find potential memory issues in their code.



Wednesday, December 02, 2020

CMake: Use new style imported targets to link libraries

 What does that mean?

It means this https://invent.kde.org/graphics/okular/-/commit/3129b642f996589f1c7fcee513741e1993924241

That is, you add JPEG::JPEG to target_link_libraries, and that's it, no need to add the includes, the compile_definitions and whatnot.


This has multiple advantages to the old mode:

  • You can't misspell it, since these are actual things cmake knows about not strings so if you write something like JPEG::JPG it will fail at cmake stage
  • You won't forget to add the include (most of us did at some point) because you don't need to :)
  • The include path is just for that particular target (the old method added it to "everyone")
  • It's basically less lines so it's harder to do wrong


To know if you can use that you'll need to use the cmake help, for example the imported target is described at https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindJPEG.html

Now we don't probably depend on cmake 3.19, do we? So we need to make sure the cmake we say we support has that, so use the combo on the top of that page to go and find which version introduced it, for JPEG we can see it was cmake 3.12

Planned obsolence for Android phones

Four years ago I bought a OnePlus 2 for 319€, nowdays it still is good hardware, it's better or as good as most of the mid to low end phones in the market.


But it has a big-ish problem, it is stuck on Android 6, which not only is old and probably full of security holes, it is starting to not be supported by some apps.

Solution: LineageOS.

It provides Android 10 for my phone and works flawlessly (from what i can see, only been using it for 4 days), so the fact that "some randos" (with all my love, I'm a rando) can make it work, means that the manufacturer could have if they wanted, they just chose not to.

It's really sad because if i wasn't a geek that knew how to put LineageOS on the device i would have probably ended up buying a new phone, making the world be fill with more junk.

Let's hope the more open devices like the PinePhone KDE Community Edition put an end to this :)

Sunday, November 08, 2020

20.12 releases branches created

Make sure you commit anything you want to end up in the 20.12 releases to them

We're already past the dependency freeze.

The Feature Freeze and Beta is this Thursday 12 of November.

More interesting dates

November 26, 2020: 20.12 RC (20.11.90) Tagging and Release

December 3, 2020: 20.12 Tagging

December 10, 2020: 20.12 Release




Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Make sure KDE software is usable in your language, join KDE translations!

Translations are a vital part of software. More technical people often overlook it because they understand English well enough to use the software untranslated, but only 15% of the World understands English, so it's clear we need good translations to make our software more useful to the rest of the world.

Translations are a place that [almost] always needs help, so I would encourage you to me (aacid@kde.org) if you are interested in helping.

Sadly, some of our teams are not very active, so you may find yourself alone, it can be a bit daunting at the beginning, but the rest of us in kde-i18n-doc will help you along the way :)

This is a list of teams sorted by how many translation commits have happened in the last year, more commits doesn't mean better, even teams with lots of commits will probably welcome help, maybe it's not in pure translation but instead in reviewing, you can also check statistics at https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kf5/team/

More than 250 commits

    Brazilian Portuguese

Between 100 and 250 commits

    Norwegian Nynorsk

Between 50 and 100 commits

    Catalan (Valencian)
    Norwegian Bokmal
    Chinese Traditional

Between 10 and 50 commits

    British English
    Northern Sami
    Chinese Simplified

Between 0 and 10 commits


No commits

    Crimean Tatar
    Irish Gaelic
    Low Saxon
    Northern Sotho
    Scottish Gaelic
    Upper Sorbian

P.S: Please don't mention web base translation workflows as comments to this blog, it's not the place to discuss that.

Akademy-es call for papers expanded to October 27

This year Akademy-es is a bit special since it is happening in the Internet so you don't need to travel to Spain to participate.

If you're interested in giving a talk please visit https://www.kde-espana.org/akademy-es-2020/presenta-tu-charla for more info.

Thursday, October 08, 2020

20.12 releases schedule finalized

It is available at the usual place https://community.kde.org/Schedules/release_service/20.12_Release_Schedule

Dependency freeze is in four weeks (November 5) and Feature Freeze a week after that, make sure you start finishing your stuff!

Monday, October 05, 2020

Is okular-devel mailing list the correct way to reach the Okular developers? If not what do we use?

After my recent failure of gaining traction to get people to join a potential Okular Virtual Sprint i wondered, is the okular-devel mailing list representative of the current okular contributors?


Looking at the sheer number of subscribers one would think that probably. There's currently 128 people subscribed to the okular-devel mailing list, and we definitely don't have that many contributors, so it would seem the mailing list is a good place to reach all the contributors, but let's look at the actual numbers.


Okular git repo has had 46 people contributing code[*] in the last year.

Only 17% of those are subscribed to the okular-devel mailing list.

If we count commits instead of commiters, the number raises to 65% but that's just because I account for more than 50% of the commits, if you remove myself from the equation the number drops to 28%.

If we don't count people that only commited once (thinking that they may not be really interested in the project), the number is still at only 25% of commiters and 30% of commits (ignoring me again) subscribed to the mailing list.

So it would seem that the answer is leaning towards "no, i can't use okular-devel to contact the okular developers".

But if not the mailing list? What am i supposed to use? I don't see any other method that would be better.

Suggestions welcome!

[*] Yes I'm limiting contributors to git commiters at this point, it's the only thing i can easily count, i understand there's more contributions than code contributions

Saturday, September 12, 2020

3 days to sends your talks to Linux App Summit 2020!

Head to https://linuxappsummit.org/cfp/ and talk about all those nice [Linux] Apps you're working on!

Call for paper ends in 3 days (September 15th)

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Flathub stats for KDE applications [that are part of the release service]

I just discovered https://gitlab.gnome.org/Jehan/gimp-flathub-stats that tells you the download (including updates) stats for a given flathub application.

Ran it over the KDE applicatitions that are part of the release service that we have in flathub.

The results are somewhat surprising:

Total:   22649 downloads in 8 days
Total:   16571 downloads in 9 days
Total:   16343 downloads in 9 days
Total:   15744 downloads in 9 days
Total:   15473 downloads in 9 days
Total:   15426 downloads in 9 days
Total:   15385 downloads in 9 days
Total:   15370 downloads in 9 days
Total:   15280 downloads in 9 days
Total:   15242 downloads in 9 days
Total:   15173 downloads in 9 days
Total:   15155 downloads in 9 days
Total:   15125 downloads in 9 days
Total:   15062 downloads in 9 days
Total:   15030 downloads in 9 days
Total:   14939 downloads in 9 days
Total:   14917 downloads in 9 days
Total:   14866 downloads in 9 days
Total:   14848 downloads in 9 days
Total:   14831 downloads in 9 days
Total:   14829 downloads in 9 days
Total:   14772 downloads in 9 days
Total:   14696 downloads in 9 days
Total:   14652 downloads in 9 days
Total:   3728 downloads in 458 days
Total:   2542 downloads in 9 days
Total:   2304 downloads in 3 days
Total:   1203 downloads in 8 days
Total:   880 downloads in 9 days
Total:   638 downloads in 9 days
Total:   571 downloads in 9 days
Total:   566 downloads in 3 days
Total:   387 downloads in 3 days
Total:   103 downloads in 9 days
Total:   84 downloads in 9 days
Total:   35 downloads in 9 days
Total:   23 downloads in 4 days
Total:   10 downloads in 3 days

kdenlive is the clear winner.

After that there's a compact block of games/edu apps that i think were/are part of the Endless default install and that shows, since after that the next app has like 6 times less downloads.

"New" (in the flathub sense) apps like lokalize or kcalc are the ones with less downloads, i guess people haven't seen them there yet.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Book your BoF for Akademy 2020 now!

BoF sessions are an integral part of Akademy, it's the "let's discuss and plan how to make things happen" oriented part after the more "this is what we've done" oriented part of the talks.

So go to https://community.kde.org/Akademy/2020/AllBoF and book a session to discuss with the rest of the community about something you're passionate! :)

Saturday, July 11, 2020

20.08 releases branches created

Make sure you commit anything you want to end up in the 20.08 releases to them

We're already past the dependency freeze.

The Feature Freeze and Beta is this Thursday 16 of July.

More interesting dates
    July 30, 2020: 20.08 RC (20.07.90) Tagging and Release
  August  6, 2020: 20.08 Tagging
  August 13, 2020: 20.08 Release



Thursday, June 11, 2020

20.08 releases schedule finalized

It is available at the usual place https://community.kde.org/Schedules/release_service/20.08_Release_Schedule

Dependency freeze is in four weeks (July 9) and Feature Freeze a week after that, make sure you start finishing your stuff!

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Racism is bad - a Barcelona centered reflection

I hope most of people reading this will not find "Racism is bad" to be controversial.

The problem is even if most (i'd hope to say all) of us think racism is bad, some of us are still consciously or unconsciously racist.

I am not going to speak about the Black Lives Matters movement, because it's mostly USA centered (which is kind of far for me) and there's much better people to listen than me, so go and listen to them.

In this case I'm going to speak about the Romani/Roma/gypsies in Barcelona (and from what i can see in this Pew Research article, most of Europe).

Institutionalized hate against them is so deep that definition 2 of 6 in the Catalan dictionary for the Romani word (gitano) is "those that act egoistically and try deceive others" and definition 5 of 8 in the Spanish dictionary is "those that with wits and lies try to cheat someone in a particular matter"

Here it is "common" to hear people say "don't be a gitano" meaning to say "don't cheat/play me" and nobody bats an eye when hearing that phrase.

It's a fact that this "community" tends to live in ghettos and has a higher percent crime ratio. I've heard people that probably think themselves as non racist say "that's just the lifestyle they like".

SARCASM: Sure, people love living in unsafe neighbourhoods and crappy houses and risking going to jail just to be able to eat.

The thing is when 50% of the population has an unfavourable view of you just because of who your parents are, or your surname is, it's hard to get a [nice] job, a place to live outside the ghetto, etc.

So please, in addition to saying that you're not a racist (which is a good first step), try to actually not be racist too.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Send your talks for Akademy 2020 *now*

The Call for Participation is still open for two weeks more, but please make us a favour and send yours *now*.

This way we don't have to panic thinking if we are going to need to go chasing people or not, or if we're going to have too few or too many proposals.

Also if you ask the talks committee for review, we can review your talk early, give you feedback and improve it, so it's a win-win.

So head over to https://akademy.kde.org/2020/cfp, find the submit link in the middle of that wall of text and click it ;)

Monday, May 25, 2020

chmk a simple CHM viewer

Okular can view CHM files, to do so it uses KHTML, makes sense CHM is basically HTML with images all compressed into a single file.

This is somewhat problematic since KHTML is largely unmaintained and i doubt it'll get a Qt6 port.

The problem is that the only other Qt based HTML rendering engine is QtWebEngine and while great it doesn't support stuff we would need to use it in Okular, since Okular needs to access to the rendered image of the page and also to the text since it uses the same API for all formats, be it CHM, PDF, epub, wathever.

The easiest plan to move forward is probably drop CHM from Okular, but that means no more chm viewing in KDE software, which would be a bit sad.

So I thought, ok maybe I can do a quick CHM viewer just based in QtWebEngine without trying to fit it into the Okular backend to support different formats.

And ChmK was born https://invent.kde.org/aacid/chmk.

It's still very simple, but the basics work, if you give it a file in the command line, it'll open it and you'll be able to browse it.

As you can see it doesn't have *any* UI yet, so Merge Requests more than welcome.

Sunday, May 03, 2020

kwallet-pam >= 5.18.4 and ecryptfs homes

If you are using kwallet-pam to unlock your kwallet wallets *and* have a encryptfs home, the automatic unlocking probably stopped working for you with Plasma 5.18.4 and you are getting a "Wallet failed to get opened by PAM, error code is -9" in the system log.


kwallet-pam uses something called a salt file.

Before Plasma 5.18.4 the salt file was read (or created if not existing) in the "authenticate" step of pam. Now that happens on the "open_session" step of pam.

This is very important because on the open_session the encrypted home is already mounted while in the authenticate step it is not.

What that means is that before Plasma 5.18.4 there was a /home/youruser/.local/share/kwalletd/kdewallet.salt *outside* your encrypted home (that was created/read on the "authenticate" step).

Now with Plasma >= 5.18.4 the /home/youruser/.local/share/kwalletd/kdewallet.salt is created/read correctly inside your encrypted home like the rest of your files.

This is all nice for new users, but if you have an existing user, the kwallet auto unlocking will stop to work.


Because your wallet was salted with the file that was outside your encrypted home folder, now since kwallet-pam can no longer read that, it fails.

How to fix it?

* Reboot your system
* Login as root (or as a different user)
* See that there is a /home/youruser/.local/share/kwalletd/kdewallet.salt (FILE_A)
* Copy that file somewhere safe
* Now login as the youruser user
* If you have a /home/youruser/.local/share/kwalletd/kdewallet.salt copy it somewhere else safe too (you shouldn't need it but just in case)
* Copy the FILE_A you stashed somewhere safe to /home/youruser/.local/share/kwalletd/kdewallet.salt
* Reboot your system and now everything should work

Friday, April 17, 2020

Should KDE fork CHMLib?

CHMLib is a library to handle CHM files.

It is used by Okular and other applications to show those files.

It hasn't had a release in 11 years.

It is packaged by all major distributions.

A few weeks ago I got annoyed because we need to carry a patch in Okular flathub because the code is not great and it defines it's own int types.

I tried contacting the upstream author, but unsurprisingly after 11 years he doesn't seem to care much and got no answer.

Then i looked saw that various distributions carry different random set of patches, not great.

So I said, OK, maybe we should just fork it, and emailed 14 people listed at repology as package maintainers for CHMLib saying how they would react to KDE forking CHMLib in an effort to do some basic maintenance, i.e. get it to compile without need for patches, make sure all the patches different distributions has are in the same place, etc.

1 packager answered saying "great"
1 packager answered "nah we want to follow upstream" (... which part of upstream is dead did they not understand?)
1 person answered saying "i haven't been packaging for $DISTRO for ages" (makes sense given how old the package is)
1 person answered saying "not a maintainer anymore but i think you should not break API/ABI of CHMLib" (which makes sense, never said that was planned)

And that's it, so only 4 out of 14 answers and only one of them encouraging.

So I'm asking *YOU*, should we push for a fork or I should stop this crazyness and do something more productive?

Sunday, March 29, 2020

RSIBreak 0.12.12 released!

All of you that are in using a computer for a long time should use it!


Changes from 0.12.11:
* Don't reset pause counter on very short inputs that can just be accidental.
* Improve high dpi support
* Translation improvements
* Compile with Qt 5.15 beta
* Minor code cleanup


Sunday, March 15, 2020

20.04 releases branches created

Make sure you commit anything you want to end up in the 20.04 releases to them

We're already past the dependency freeze.

The Feature Freeze and Beta is this Thursday 19 of March.

More interesting dates
April 2: 20.04 RC (20.03.90) Tagging and Release
April 16: 20.04 Tagging
April 23: 20.04 Release


Monday, March 09, 2020

20.04 releases dependency freeze this thursday

Next interesting dates:

March 12: 20.04 Dependency Freeze

March 19: 20.04 Freeze and Beta (20.03.80) tag & release

Monday, February 10, 2020

Working with different remotes in git

One of the things that is typical when working with gitlab/github is work with different git remotes.

This is sometimes because you don't have commit access to the original repository so you fork it into your own repository and work over there, but you still want to have the original repository around so you can rebase your changes over it.

In this blog we will see how to do that with the okular repository.

First off, we start by cloning the original repository

Since we don't know the URL by memory, we go to https://invent.kde.org/kde/okular/ and press the Clone button to get a hint, if we have commit access we can use both urls, otherwise we have to use the https one, for the sake of this let's assume we do not have commit access.

$ git clone https://invent.kde.org/kde/okular.git
$ cd okular

Ok, at this point we have clone the upstream Okular repository, we can see we only have one remote, called origin

$ git remote -v
origin https://invent.kde.org/kde/okular.git (fetch)
origin https://invent.kde.org/kde/okular.git (push)

Now we want to do some fixes, since we can't commit into the main repository, we need to fork, for that we press the fork button in https://invent.kde.org/kde/okular/. Once done we end up in the fork of Okular under our name, e.g. https://invent.kde.org/aacid/okular.

Now what we want is to add our remote to the existing one, so we press the blue button (here we use the git@ one since we can always commit to our fork)

$ git remote add aacid_fork git@invent.kde.org:aacid/okular.git
$ git remote -v
aacid_fork git@invent.kde.org:aacid/okular.git (fetch)
aacid_fork git@invent.kde.org:aacid/okular.git (push)
origin https://invent.kde.org/kde/okular.git (fetch)
origin https://invent.kde.org/kde/okular.git (push)

So now we have a remote called aacid_fork that points to url fork, aacid_fork is the name i chose because it's easy to remember, but we could have used any name we wanted there.

Now there's several things one may want to do

Do changes in master and push them to your fork

This is really not the recommended way but since it's what i do and it'll explain how to push from one branch name to another i'll explain it.

After doing the changes and doing the typical git commit now we have to push the changes to our aacid_fork, so we do

git push aacid_fork master:adding_since_to_function

What this does is push the local branch master to the branch named adding_since_to_function of the aacid_fork remote

Create a branch and then push that to your fork

This is what you should be doing, so what you should do is

git branch adding_since_to_function

and then change to work on that branch

git switch adding_since_to_function

After doing the changes and doing the typical git commit now we have to push the changes to our aacid_fork, so we do

git push aacid_fork adding_since_to_function

What this does is push the local branch adding_since_to_function to a branch with the same name of the aacid_fork

Get a branch from someone else's remote and push to it

Sometimes some people say "hey let's work on my branch together", so you need to push not to origin, not to your fork but to someone else's fork.

Let's say you want to work on joliveira's gsoc2019_numberFormat branch, so you would need to add his remote

$ git remote add joliveira_fork git@invent.kde.org:joliveira/okular.git
$ git remote -v
aacid_fork git@invent.kde.org:aacid/okular.git (fetch)
aacid_fork git@invent.kde.org:aacid/okular.git (push)
joliveira_fork git@invent.kde.org:joliveira/okular.git (fetch)
joliveira_fork git@invent.kde.org:joliveira/okular.git (push)
origin https://invent.kde.org/kde/okular.git (fetch)
origin https://invent.kde.org/kde/okular.git (push)

Then we would need to tell git, hey listen, please go and read the branches that remote i just added has

git fetch joliveira_fork

Next we have to tell git to actually give us the gsoc2019_numberFormat branch, there's lots of ways to do that, one that works is

git checkout --track joliveira_fork/gsoc2019_numberFormat

This will create a local gsoc2019_numberFormat from the contents of the remote branch joliveira_fork/gsoc2019_numberFormat and that also "tracks" it, that means that if someone else does changes to it and you do git pull --rebase while on your local gsoc2019_numberFormat, you'll get them.

After doing the changes and doing the typical git commit now we have to push the changes to the joliveira_fork, so we do

git push joliveira_fork gsoc2019_numberFormat

What you don't want to do

Don't push to the master branch of your remote, it's weird, some people do, but it's note really recommended.

Things to remember

A git remote is another repository, it just so happens that it has "similar" code, but it's a fork, so you can push to it, checkout branches from it, etc.

Every time you want to get changes from a remote, remember to git fetch remote_name otherwise you're still on the "old" snapshot form your last fetch.

When git pushing the syntax is git push remote_name local_branch_name:remote_branch_name

Bonus track: Using git mr

As shown in my previous blog post you can use git mr to easy download the code of a mr. Let's use as example Okular's MR #20 https://invent.kde.org/kde/okular/merge_requests/20.

You can simply do git mr 20 and it will create a local branch named mr/20 with the contents of that MR. Unfortunately, if you want to commit changes to it, you still need to use the original remote and branch name name, so if you do some changes, after the git commit you should do

git push joliveira_fork mr/20:gsoc2019_percentFormat

Sunday, February 09, 2020

20.04 releases schedule finalized

It is available at the usual place https://community.kde.org/Schedules/release_service/20.04_Release_Schedule

Dependency freeze is in ~five weeks (March12) and Feature Freeze a week after that, make sure you start finishing your stuff!

Thursday, February 06, 2020

New help porting to Go >= 1.12

At KDE we have a GitHub mirror. One of the problems about having a mirror is that people routinely try to propose Pull Requests over there, but no one is watching, so they would go stale, which is not good for anyone.

What no one? Actually no, we have kdeclose, a bot that will go over all Pull Requests and gracefully close them suggesting people to move the patch over to KDE infrastructure where we are watching.

The problem is that I'm running that code on Google AppEngine and they are cutting support for the old Go version that it's using, so I would need someone help me port the code to a newer Go version.

Anyone can help me?

P.S: No, I'm not the original author of the code, it's a fork of something else, but that has not been updated either.

Update: This is now done, thanks to Daniele (see first comment). Mega fast, thanks community!

Sunday, February 02, 2020

QCA cleanup spree

The last few weeks I've done quite a bit of QCA cleanup.

Bit of a summary:
* Moved to KDE's gitlab and enable clazy and clang-tidy continuous integration checks
* Fixed lots of crashes when copying some of the classes, it's not a normal use case, but it's supported by the API so make it work :)
* Fixed lots of crashes because we were assuming some of the backend libraries had more features than they actually do (e.g. we thought botan would support always support a given crypto algorithm, but some versions don't, now we check if the algorithm it's supported before saying it is)
* Made all the tests succeed :)
* Dropped Qt4 support
* Use override, nullptr (Laurent), various of the "sanity" QT_* defines, etc.
* botan backend now requires botan2
* Fixed most of the compile warnings

What I probably also did is maybe break the OSX and Windows builds, so if you're using QCA there you should start testing it and propose Merge Requests.

Note: My original idea was to actually kill QCA because i started looking at it and lot of the code looked a bit fishy, and no one wants crypto fishy code, but then i realized we use it in too many places in KDE and i'd rather have "fishy crypto code" in one place than in lots of different places, at least this way it's easier to eventually fix it.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Qt Company is stopping Qt LTS releases. We (KDE) are going to be fine :)

Obvious disclaimer, this is my opinion, not KDE's, not my employer's, not my parents', only mine ;)

Big news today is that Qt Long-term-supported (LTS) releases and the offline installer will become available to commercial licensees only.

Ignoring upcoming switch to Qt6 scenario for now, how bad is that for us?

Let's look at some numbers from our friends at repology.

At this point we have 2 Qt LTS going on, Qt 5.9 (5.9.9 since December) and Qt 5.12 (5.12.6 since November).

How many distros ship Qt 5.9.9? 0. (there's macports and slackbuilds but none of those seem to provide Plasma packages, so I'm ignoring them)

How many distros ship Qt 5.12.6? 5, Adélie Linux, Fedora 30, Mageia 7, OpenSuse Leap 15.2, PCLinux OS (ALT Linux and GNU Guix also do but they don't seem to ship Plasma). Those are some bigger names (I'd say specially Fedora and OpenSuse).

On the other hand Fedora 28 and 29 ship some 5.12.x version but have not updated to 5.12.6, Opensuse Leap 15.1 has a similar issue, it's stuck on 5.9.7 and did not update to 5.9.9 and so is Mageia 6 which is stuck on Qt 5.9.4

Ubuntu 19.04, 19.08 and 20.04 all ship some version of Qt 5.12 (LTS) but not the lastest version.

On the other a few of other "big" distros don't ship Qt LTS, Arch and Gentoo ship 5.14, our not-distro-distro Neon is on 5.13 and so is flatpak.

As I see it, the numbers say that while it's true that some distros are shipping the latest LTS release, it's not all of them by far, and it looks more like an opportunistic use, the LTS branch is followed for a while in the last release of the distro, but the previous ones get abandoned at some point, so the LTS doesn't really seem to be used to its fully potential.

What would happen if there was no Qt LTS?

Hard to say, but I think some of the "newer" distros would actually be shipping Qt 5.13 or 5.14, and in my book that's a good thing, moving users forward is always good.

The "already released" distros is different story, since they would obviously not be updating from Qt 5.9 to 5.14, but as we've seen it seems that most of the times they don't really follow the Qt LTS releases to its full extent either.

So all in all, I'm going to say not having Qt LTS releases is not that bad for KDE, we've lived for that for a long time (remember there has only been 4 Qt LTS, 4.8, 5.6, 5.9 and 5.12) so we'll do mostly fine.

But What about Qt 5.15 and Qt 6 you ask!

Yes, this may actually be a problem, if all goes to plan Qt 5.15 will be released in May and Qt 6.0 in November, that means we will likely get up to Qt 5.15.2 or 5.15.3 and then that's it, we're moving to Qt 6.0

Obviously KDE will have to move to Qt 6 at some point, but that's going to take a while (as example Plasma 5 was released when Qt was at 5.3) so for let's say that for a year or two we will still be using Qt 5.15 without any bugfix releases.

That can be OK if Qt 5.15 ends being a good release or a problem if it's a bit buggy. If it's buggy, well then we'll have to figure out what to do, and it'll probably involve some kind of fork somewhere, be it by KDE (qt already had that for a while in ancient history with qt-copy) or by some other trusted source, but let's hope it doesn't get to that, since it would mean that there's two set of people fixing bugs in Qt 5.15, The Qt Company engineers and the rest of the world, and doing the same work twice is not smart.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

git mr: easily downloading gitlab merge requests

With KDE [slowly] moving to gitlab you may probably find yourselves reviewing more gitlab based patches.

In my opinion the web UI in gitlab is miles better, the fact that it has a "merge this thing" button makes it a game changer.

Now since we are coming from phabricator you have probably used the arc patch DXXX command to download and locally test a patch.

The gitlab web UI has a a link named "You can merge this merge request manually using the command line" that if pressed tells you to

git fetch "git@invent.kde.org:sander/okular.git" "patch-from-kde-bug-415012"
git checkout -b "sander/okular-patch-from-kde-bug-415012" FETCH_HEAD

if you want to locally test https://invent.kde.org/kde/okular/merge_requests/80

That is *horrible*

Enter git mr a very simple script that makes it so that you only have to type

git mr 80

P.S: If you're an archlinux user you can get it from AUR https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/git-mr

P.P.S: Unfortunately it does not support pushing, so if you want to push to that mr you'll have to do some work.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

KPatience added to flathub. Which app should be next?

This week we added KPatience to flathub.

That makes for a quite a few applications from KDE already in flathub

Which one do you think we should add next?