Saturday, September 18, 2021

PSA: Don't insult or physically threaten people to try to convince them you are right

Sadly I have had to disable comments in my previous blog because there is a being [that probably passes by human if you look at them] that started with insults, continued with more insults and then graduated to physically threaten me.


I always thought it was obvious, but if you insult people or try to cause them phisical harm, they are usually less prone to think "oh you're right, you've convinced me" and more prone to think "this human needs to stop harassing me and sort out their problems".

Friday, September 17, 2021

American English speakers: Kiev or Kyiv ?

A while ago there was a merge request created for KGeography asking to change Kiev to Kyiv saying "this is the official transliteration of the name for the city".

But that's not what the default text in KGeography shows, the default text in KGeography not the official names of places, the default text in KGeography is the American English translation of KGeography, that's why it says Poland and not Polska.

So question for you American English speakers, if you wanted to write the name of the capital of Ukraine, would you write Kiev or Kyiv?

Edit: comments blocked because there's an body without brain that can't behave in the internet.