Since a few hours ago the Okular version available in the Microsoft Store for Windows has the same signature support than the Linux/FreeBSD versions.
Some screenshots, though it's nothing impressive, it's the same User Interface that we already have had for a while
A file I just signed, showing the Signature and Certificate panels |
The PDF backend settings |
This "new feature" has been delivered with the update of the just released Okular 21.12.2.
The interesting part is that adding Signature support for Okular on Windows didn't actually require *any* change in Okular itself, its code was already good.
What we needed was to add NSS [1] to Craft [2] and also some tweaks to poppler [3], because sadly NSS doesn't behave exactly the same on Linux than on Windows, and once that was in, just start Okular again and voilà everything was working as expected :)
Relevant Merge Requests:
[1] NSS = the library poppler uses for signature support
[2] Craft = the meta build system we use for building KDE software on Windows
[3] poppler = the library that Okular uses for PDF support
Is this still true with the version 22.08.1? Okular crashes every time I try to sign a PDF.
It doesn't ask for the certificate password and alwas leaves a okular_*****.pdf with size 0 bytes behind.
It calls c:\Windows\system32\ucrtbase.dll which is the cause of the crash. Do you have other KDE-APPs (or perl?) installed? Or a custom ucrtbase.dll in the path?
I don't know what makes you think reporting a bug in my blog is a good idea. But it's not.
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