Akademy-es 2011 is starting today :-)
Today talks include a talk about translations by part of Catalan KDE translation crew, how about how to contribute by Aleix, one about telepathy by Alex and me speaking about potatos.
Thanks to our kind sponsors Google and Qt/Nokia :-)
Do you guys rather want to go out and participate in that kind-of revolution instead of talking about such tech stuff?
I meant "Don't..."
This comment is a bit unfair. Surely a lot of attenders agree with the protest, but:
1) Akademy-es was planned weeks ago
2) We've could use de day to discuss about tech stuff and the night to discuss about how to make a better world. In fact, I did it that way yesterday. I agree doing that way is not sustainable in the long term, but you can stole some sleeping hours during a weekend...
3) And promoting free software _is_ revolutionary; a means to change the world (at least an aspect of it). Perhaps not as important as the other way is, but everyone has to exploit his/her best abilities, right?
This comment is a bit unfair. Surely a lot of attenders agree with the protest, but:
1) Akademy-es was planned weeks ago
2) We've could use de day to discuss about tech stuff and the night to discuss about how to make a better world. In fact, I did it that way yesterday. I agree doing that way is not sustainable in the long term, but you can stole some sleeping hours during a weekend...
3) And promoting free software _is_ revolutionary; a means to change the world (at least an aspect of it). Perhaps not as important as the other way is, but everyone has to exploit his/her best abilities, right?
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